
open class CognitiveAgentFlee<T, P : Position<P>, Vector<P>, A : Transformation<P>>(environment: Environment<T, P>, reaction: Reaction<T>, pedestrian: PedestrianProperty<T>, coords: Double) : AbstractSteeringAction<T, P, A>

Move the agent away from a target position. It's the opposite of CognitiveAgentSeek.


the environment inside which the node moves.
the reaction which executes this action.
the owner of this action.
the coordinates of the position the node moves away.


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constructor(environment: Environment<T, P>, reaction: Reaction<T>, pedestrian: PedestrianProperty<T>, vararg coords: Double)


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open val maxWalk: Double

The maximum distance the node can walk, this is a length.


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open override fun cloneAction(node: Node<T>, reaction: Reaction<T>): CognitiveAgentFlee<T, P, A>

This method allows to clone this action on a new node. It may result useful to support runtime creation of nodes with the same reaction programming, e.g. for morphogenesis.

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open override fun execute()
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override fun getContext(): Context
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open override fun getNextPosition(): P
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override fun getOutboundDependencies(): ListSet<out Dependency>
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open override fun nextPosition(): P

The position the owner of this action moves to when it is executed, in relative coordinates with respect to its current position.

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open override fun toString(): String