Euclidean Configurable Move Node
open class EuclideanConfigurableMoveNode<T, P : Position<P>, Vector<P>>(environment: Environment<T, P>, node: Node<T>, routingStrategy: RoutingStrategy<T, P>, targetSelectionStrategy: TargetSelectionStrategy<T, P>, speedSelectionStrategy: SpeedSelectionStrategy<T, P>) : AbstractConfigurableMoveNode<T, P>
It's an AbstractConfigurableMoveNode in the Euclidean world, which provides a default interpolatePositions that is accurate with respect to the target given and the current maximum walking distance.
position type
the Environment which is executing the simulation
routing Strategy
the RoutingStrategy selected for this Action
target Selection Strategy
the TargetSelectionStrategy selected for this Action
speed Selection Strategy
the SpeedSelectionStrategy selected for this Action
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constructor(environment: Environment<T, P>, node: Node<T>, reaction: Reaction<T>, routingStrategy: RoutingStrategy<T, P>, targetSelectionStrategy: TargetSelectionStrategy<T, P>, speed: Double)
constructor(environment: Environment<T, P>, node: Node<T>, routingStrategy: RoutingStrategy<T, P>, targetSelectionStrategy: TargetSelectionStrategy<T, P>, speedSelectionStrategy: SpeedSelectionStrategy<T, P>)