Package-level declarations
Generic actions implementations.
Given a list of VisibleNode associated to visionMolecule, it finds the closest to a point located at distance from node in the direction of node's heading, and injects its position in targetMolecule.
Checks nodes in the environment and writes in outputMolecule the list of it.unibo.alchemist.model.VisibleNode, containing filterByMolecule. distance and angle define the field of view.
Moves for distance toward a uniformly random chosen direction at a constant speed, then changes direction and walks another distance, and so on.
It's an AbstractConfigurableMoveNode in the Euclidean world, which provides a default interpolatePositions that is accurate with respect to the target given and the current maximum walking distance.
Chooses random targets in a direction extracted from randomGenerator at a distance extracted from distanceDistribution. Moves the node towards the targets at the given constant speed. Changes target on collision.
Selects a target based on a random direction extracted from randomGenerator, and a random distance extracted from a ParetoDistribution of parameters scale and shape. Moves toward the targets at a constant speed and changes targets on collision.
Treats molecule as a switch:
Treats molecule as a probabilistic switch: