Smart cameras and drones


This guide assumes you already know the Alchemist metamodel and that you keep the YAML reference at your fingertips.


A smartcam is a camera able to detect objects of interest and to communicate with other smartcameras. In many cases it is also assumed to be mounted on a drone as to be able to freely move around in the environment. In Alchemist, smartcams are simulated as Nodes equipped with specific Reactions defining their capabilities and behaviour. Single capabilities are expressed as Actions.


The most basic example of a camera is a Node containing a Reaction with the CameraSee action.


Note: the CameraSee action currently only works in 2D environments supporting euclidean geometry, for example Continuous2DEnvironment.

CameraSee requires the following parameters:

  1. the distance of the field of view,
  2. its angle in degrees, and
  3. the name of the Molecule which will contain the ouput, namely, the list of nodes contained in the field of view, which is updated every time the action is triggered,
  4. optionally, a fourth parameter can be defined in order to filter the output, such parameter is expected to be the name of a Molecule which has to be contained in a Node for it to be visible, e.g., if it is wanted then only nodes containing a molecule named wanted will be seen.


The ability to move can be defined using movement actions such as MoveToTarget or FollowAtDistance.

MoveToTarget expects 2 parameters:

  1. the name of the molecule containing the target’s position, and
  2. the movement speed.

FollowAtDistance requires:

  1. the name of the molecule containing the target’s position,
  2. the distance to mantain from the target, and
  3. the movement speed.


HeadTowardTarget can be used to instruct cameras to always face the specified target.

Spin only requires the angular speed and will make the camera spin around itself like a radar.

Other behavior

Without defining an algorithm the cameras wouldn’t do anything interesting. Algorithms can be definied in a moltitude of different ways, depending on the incarnation. Usually, camera readings are used as sensors that get read by, e.g., Protelis or Scafi programs.

Further references

Lukas Esterle, Peter R. Lewis
Online Multi-object k-coverage with Mobile Smart Cameras
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC). Nominated for best paper. 2017.