
class Orienting2D<T, N : ConvexPolygon>(val environment: Euclidean2DEnvironmentWithGraph<*, T, N, <Error class: unknown class>>, randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, val node: Node<T>, val knowledgeDegree: Double, minSide: Double = 30.0, maxSide: Double = 60.0) : Orienting<T, Euclidean2DPosition, Euclidean2DTransformation, N, Ellipse>

Basic implementation of a node's OrientingProperty in a 2D space.


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constructor(environment: Euclidean2DEnvironmentWithGraph<*, T, N, <Error class: unknown class>>, randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, node: Node<T>, knowledgeDegree: Double, minSide: Double = 30.0, maxSide: Double = 60.0)


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open override val cognitiveMap: NavigationGraph<Euclidean2DPosition, Euclidean2DTransformation, Ellipse, <Error class: unknown class>>

The cognitive map of the agent. It's a graph composed of landmarks (elements of the environment easy to remember due to their uniqueness) and spatial relations between them. It's modeled as a NavigationGraph.

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open override val environment: Euclidean2DEnvironmentWithGraph<*, T, N, <Error class: unknown class>>

The environment in which the node moves.

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open override val knowledgeDegree: Double

The knowledge degree of the agent concerning the environment. This is a Double value in 0, 1 describing the percentage of environment the agent is familiar with prior to the start of the simulation (thus it does not take into account the knowledge the pedestrian will gain during it, namely the volatileMemory).

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open override val node: Node<T>

The node to which the capability is added.

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val randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>

The simulation RandomGenerator.

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The volatile memory of the agent: it models the ability to remember areas of the environment already visited since the start of the simulation. Each area is paired with the number of visits. Areas are assumed to be represented as ConvexShapes, as in NavigationGraphs.


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open override fun cloneOnNewNode(node: Node<T>): Orienting2D<T, N>

Clones this property to be added on a new node.

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open override fun createLandmarkIn(area: N): Ellipse

Creates a landmark entirely contained in the given area. If such area contains one or more destinations, the returned landmark must contain at least one of them.

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Registers a visit to the provided area in the agent's volatileMemory.

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open override fun toString(): String