Package-level declarations


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data class Cognitive<T, P : Position<P>, Vector<P>, A : Transformation<P>, F : GeometricShapeFactory<P, A>>(environment: PhysicsEnvironment<T, P, A, F>, val node: Node<T>, val danger: Molecule? = null) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , CognitiveProperty<T>

The node's CognitiveModel.

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class Cognitive2D<T>(environment: Physics2DEnvironment<T>, node: Node<T>, danger: Molecule? = null) : CognitiveProperty<T>

The node's CognitiveModel.

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class CognitivePedestrian<T, S : Vector<S>, A : Transformation<S>>(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, node: Node<T>) : HeterogeneousPedestrian<T, S, A>

A cognitive pedestrian's movement capability.

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open class HeterogeneousPedestrian<T, S : Vector<S>, A : Transformation<S>>(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, node: Node<T>) : Pedestrian<T>

A heterogeneous pedestrian's movement capability. Note: to use this capability the node must already have a HumanProperty.

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class Human<T>(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, val node: Node<T>, val age: Age, val gender: Gender, val speed: Speed = Speed(age, gender, randomGenerator), val compliance: Double = Compliance(age, gender).level, val helpAttitude: HelpAttitude = HelpAttitude(age, gender)) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , HumanProperty<T, Euclidean2DPosition, Euclidean2DTransformation>

A pedestrian's individual characteristics.

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abstract class Orienting<T, P : Position<P>, Vector<P>, A : Transformation<P>, N : ConvexShape<P, A>, L : ConvexShape<P, A>>(val randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, val environment: EnvironmentWithGraph<*, T, P, A, N, <Error class: unknown class>>, val node: Node<T>, val knowledgeDegree: Double, minArea: Double = 10.0) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , OrientingProperty<T, P, A, L, N, <Error class: unknown class>>

Base implementation of a node's OrientingProperty.

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class Orienting2D<T, N : ConvexPolygon>(val environment: Euclidean2DEnvironmentWithGraph<*, T, N, <Error class: unknown class>>, randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, val node: Node<T>, val knowledgeDegree: Double, minSide: Double = 30.0, maxSide: Double = 60.0) : Orienting<T, Euclidean2DPosition, Euclidean2DTransformation, N, Ellipse>

Basic implementation of a node's OrientingProperty in a 2D space.

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open class Pedestrian<T>(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, val node: Node<T>, val walkingSpeed: Double = Speed.default, val runningSpeed: Double = Speed.default * 3) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , PedestrianProperty<T> , WalkingPedestrianProperty<T> , RunningPedestrianProperty<T>

Implementation of a basic PedestrianProperty.

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data class Perceptive<T>(val node: Node<T>, val fieldOfView: InfluenceSphere<T>) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , PerceptiveProperty<T>

Base implementation of a pedestrian's capability to influence each other.

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class Perceptive2D<T>(val environment: Physics2DEnvironment<T>, val node: Node<T>, val fieldOfView: InfluenceSphere2D<T> = FieldOfView2D(environment, node, DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW_DEPTH, DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW_APERTURE)) : PerceptiveProperty<T>

Base implementation of a pedestrian's capability to influence each other in a 2D space.

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class PhysicalPedestrian2D<T>(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, val environment: Physics2DEnvironment<T>, val node: Node<T>) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , PhysicalPedestrian2D<T>

Base implementation of a pedestrian's capability to experience physical interactions in a 2D space.

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data class RunningPedestrian<T>(val node: Node<T>, val runningSpeed: Double = Speed.default * 3) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , RunningPedestrianProperty<T>

Implementation of a basic RunningPedestrianProperty.

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data class Social<T>(val node: Node<T>, val group: Group<T> = Alone(node)) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , SocialProperty<T>

Base implementation of a SocialProperty.

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data class WalkingPedestrian<T>(val node: Node<T>, val walkingSpeed: Double = Speed.default) : AbstractNodeProperty<T> , WalkingPedestrianProperty<T>

Implementation of a basic WalkingPedestrianProperty.