
Defines how physical forces and steering actions (which may be seen as intentional forces) are combined to compute the overall next position reached by a physical node. The combination of steering actions is delegated to a nonPhysicalStrategy. The resulting intentional force is then combined with the physical ones to determine the next position reached by node.



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abstract val node: Node<T>

The node to be moved.

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The combination of intentional forces (= steering actions) and computeTarget are delegated to this strategy.


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abstract fun computeNextPosition(overallIntentionalForce: P): P

Computes the next relative position reached by the node, given the overall intentional force.

open override fun computeNextPosition(actions: List<SteeringAction<T, P>>): P

Computes the next relative position reached by the node, taking into account both the intentional and the physical forces acting on node (intentional forces = actions).

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open override fun computeTarget(actions: List<SteeringAction<T, P>>): P

Delegated to nonPhysicalStrategy.