Maps and GPS traces
Alchemist is equipped with the ability to load and simulate on real-world maps. Navigation on maps can be done by using gps traces, by moving along roads (Alchemist relies on GraphHopper to provide directions), by interpolating gps traces with on-the-road-movements, or by ignoring the map information and just move as you would in a continuous space.
Setting up a map environment
In order to run simulations on real world maps, an appropriate environment must be selected, such as
If you need map data to perform on-streets routing,
you need to feed it to the simulator.
supports OpenStreetMap extracts in several formats,
we recommend using the
protocol buffer binary format (pbf)
to save time and space.
OpenStreetMap extracts
It is likely that you do not need a simulation that requires navigation capabilities on the whole planet, especially considering that, even in binary format, it contains more than 50GB of data. We recommend thus to use an extract with the data relative to the area you are interested in simulating in. One great way to obtain an extract is through BBBike.
If you rely on their service, consider donating to the project.
Deploying nodes using GPS traces
We prepared a dedicated page on the argument
Navigate nodes in map environment
We prepared a dedicated page on the argument